Re-Play | GlowJob
Wed, 28 Mar
Glow in dark body paint, shiny underwear or your LED fetish gear will look absolutely amazing on your skin, it’s your choice to make to glow & be noticed in the dark. Wear lights & colors on your body, play in the dark with & other glowing men & make your fantasies shine, be sexy under the UV light

Time & Localization
28 Mar 2018, 17:00 – 20:00
Porto, Porto, Portugal
About the Event
Main Event | GlowJob
Brilhe em ambiente escuro com tinta fluorescente, roupa interior brilhante ou Led. Acredite, você vai ficar absolutamente incrível. Faça-se notar na escuridão, não vai passar despercebido.
Sinta as luzes e as cores do seu corpo, divirta-se no escuro com os outros corpos brilhantes, faça as suas fantasias brilharem e fique sexy sob as luzes negras.
* Tema do Evento Brilhe no Escuro
* Dress code: Roupa LED, roupa interior preta ou fluorescente, t-shirt de alças ou Nudez total com pinturas corporais.
* Notas:
- Certifique-se de que os seus acessórios ou roupa reflectem sob a Luz Negra. Roupa interior branca de algodão também reflete sob a Luz Negra.
- Tenha atenção que pode ficar com tinta corporal fluorescente.
- Mantenha o local o mais limpo possível.
- A tinta corporal é facilmente removível com água.
A localização será enviado por e-mail 24h antes ou no dia do evento, depois de receber o seu bilhete.
Por favor certifique-se que recebeu o bilhete na sua caixa de correio eletrónico, e que o mesmo não tenha ido parar à pasta de Spam.
A fim de evitar que as nossas comunicações sejam consideradas spam, adicione o endereço membro@1906club.com à sua lista de contactos
Pagamento na entrada, no site pode verificar o preço ler aqui.
Main Event | GlowJob
Glow in dark body paint, shiny underwear or your LED fetish gear will look absolutely amazing on your skin, it’s your choice to make to glow & be noticed in the dark.
Wear lights & colors on your body, play in the dark with & other glowing men & make your fantasies shine, be sexy under the UV lights.
* Event theme: Glow in Dark.
* Dress code: LED gear, glow in dark underwear, tank top or naked with body pain.
* Notes:
- Please make sure your gear or cloths reflect under the UV light or simple white cotton underwear can work too.
- Be aware that your item can get glow in dark paints.
- Please keep the place as clean as possible.
- The body paint is removable in water.
Location will be sent 24h or at the day of the event by email after you get your ticket, please make sure you receive the ticket, check your Spam folder, to avoid the email move to Spam, please add the club email address to your contact list, membro@1906club.com
Payment at the entrance, prices on the site READ MORE.
GlowJob Reservation Ticket.
This ticket is a sign of registering for the event. when you get the ticket it is a conformation from your side to attend the event, and except our club rules "read them on the website" please print out the ticket or show it on your Smartphone upon entry. The priority of selection is for the Members of the club. We are going to send you the full address of the location to your email on the day of the event. Payment upon entry
€0.00Sale ended